The full schedule will be announced as soon as it is finalized.You may preregister for the workshop using the registration form here.
You may pre-pay by check or by PayPal
If you wish to pay by check, make them payable to South Carolina Genealogical Society, Inc.
and mail to the address on the registration form.
More Time To Research in 2019!
We have secured some great new opportunities for your research during the
2019 SCGS Annual Workshop July 11-13, 2019
1. Attendees of the South Carolina Genealogy Workshop are invited to a
Genealogy Lock-In from 5:30-8:30 on Thursday, July 11,
in Richland Library’s Walker Local and Family History Center, located at 1431 Assembly Street in downtown Columbia.
Take advantage of the library’s local history and genealogy resources with access to Library Edition and online access to
The State newspaper from 1891-present.
The Walker Local and Family History Center is also a FamilySearch affiliate library.
The evening will begin at 5:30 with a presentation about South Carolina’s online genealogy resources.
Research assistance will be available. Bring your laptops and a USB device to store scanned materials!
2. The SC Archives has invited our attendees to take advantage of some extra Research time! The SC Archives will remain open on Friday, July 12, 2019 until 8 PM.
The SCGS Workshop Committee would like to express our gratitude to these two great
facilities for extending us this wonderful opportunity!
We will offer advertising in our program book for 2019. The Workshop Committee is encouraging all members
to contact your family, friends, neighbors, and businesses in your area to sell ads for the program book.
What a fantastic way for SCGS Chapters, individuals, authors, and businesses to reach the marketplace!
Go here for the schedule of rates and how to pay for them.
We look forward to a very successful Workshop this year!
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