
Welcome to research on your family in South Carolina. The South Carolina Genealogical Society (SCGS) urges all researchers to join our organization. We have several options.

Local Chapter

We have 10 local chapters click here, to see a list of chapters and areas covered on the Officers and Chapter page. After becoming a member of one of our local chapters, you will automatically become a member of the SCGS.

Upon application to the chapter of one’s choice, the State Treasurer assigns a membership number. Three classifications of membership are available:

  1. Individual membership – one person at one address
  2. Family membership – two persons at the same address.
  3. Associate membership -Membership in any Chapter entitles a member to join another Chapter by paying that Chapter’s dues only

State dues are included in the Chapter dues.

Member at Large

SCGS does not currently have a presence in each county of South Carolina.

In the unfortunate event that there is no local chapter that covers your area of interest, you are more than welcome to join the SCGS as a Member at Large.

Membership at large includes all rights and privileges of membership in the society. Members at Large will receive copies of The Carolina Herald and Newsletter. There are many articles that appear in the publication that cover areas of the state not covered by the local chapters and you may find clues to one of your brick walls.

Dues may be paid:

  1. Online
  2. They may be mailed to Barbara Clark, Treasurer, 304 Oakcreek Dr., Easley, SC 29642. Download printable form.

Libraries and other organizations desiring to receive SCGS, Inc. publications may be subscribers only. Please see one of the following links:  Online Subscription Form to subscribe and pay online, or Offline Subscription Application to download an offline form to subscribe by mail.

You can now Become a Member Online

Sign up and pay your yearly dues online by clicking here.

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